Dear Prospective Business Partner:
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Citrus Cove Elementary School Business Partner. Our Business Partners are an integral part of our school events
and programs. The support allows us to provide our students and faculty with tools and resources to complement their educational experience and expertise.
With a $250 donation, you will receive the following Business Partner benefits:
- A recognition banner (7.5ft x 4ft) displaying your business, hung on the
fence in front of the school. The banner will face the main road where
thousands of cars pass daily. - Distribution of a flyer promoting your business to the families of our
students upon principal approval. We currently have about 1000 students
who attend the school. - A shout out on Citrus Cove Social Media, School Newsletter shout out, a
logo on the citruscovepto.com website and a Morning Announcements shout
If you are not interested in a banner, there are always opportunities for business
partners to donate school supplies, snacks, expertise, time, and a slew of other
things. We’re always excited to build a new partnership or foster one that already
We would not be able to make school events a success without the generous
support of our business partners. Regardless of the size of your business, your
support has a lasting impact on our students and staff.
Please contact zachary.placido@palmbeachschools.org if you are interested or for additional
We look forward to working with you this year!
Zachary Placido
Citrus Cove Elementary School Business Partner Liaison
8400 Lawrence Rd, Boynton Beach, FL 33436
(561) 292-7000